{{tag>creature brute anthronian raider scarlet verdant quake carnivore piscivore insectivore herbivore frugivore fungivore unsummonable e}} ====== Ettin ====== {{:creatures:ettin.png?nolink&300|}} ==== Beastiary Entry ==== {{:creatures:icon:ettin_icon.png?75|Icon}} > Large twin headed monstrosities, These brutes are feared for their destructive capabilities. Category: [[:creaturetypes:anthronian|Anthronian (Brute)]] ===== Statistics ===== Health: 30 Defense: 2 Speed: 20 Melee Damage: 6 Melee Pierce: 1 Melee Effect: 5s Summoning Cost: 2 Element: [[element:quake|Quake]] ===== Diet ===== * [[diet:carnivore|Carnivore]] * [[diet:piscivore|Piscivore]] * [[diet:insectivore|Insectivore]] * [[diet:herbivore|Herbivore]] * [[diet:frugivore|Frugivore]] * [[diet:fungivore|Fungivore]] ==== Combat ==== Ettins are slow but pack a nasty blow. If you get too close during combat they will panic and destroy nearby soft blocks such as wood or dirt. ==== Habitat ==== These brutes often live in swamps. ===== Drops ===== * 2-6 [[https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Log|Logs]] (100%) * 1-2 [[https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Red_Mushrooms|Red Mushrooms]] (100%) * 1-2 [[https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Brown_Mushrooms|Brown Mushrooms]] (100%) * 2-6 [[https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Leather|Leather]] (100%) * 2-8 [[https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Coal|Coal]] (100%) ===== Variants ===== Ettins currently have 2 [[Variants|Uncommon Variants]]: * [[creatures:Variants:verdant|Verdant]] {{:creatures:ettin_verdant.png?nolink&200|}} * [[creatures:Variants:scarlet|Scarlet]] {{:creatures:ettin_scarlet.png?nolink&200|}} ===== Trivia & Media ===== ===== Navigation ===== **__Previous Creature __** {{:creatures:icon:erepede_icon.png?20|}} [[creatures:erepede|Erepede]] **__Next Creature __** {{:creatures:icon:eyewig_icon.png?20|}} [[creatures:eyewig|Eyewig]]