{{tag>element}} ====== Arbour ====== {{:element:arbour.png?200|}} Arbour is a para element that represents growth and nature, it is closely based around plants, make heavy use of this element. Arbour can be fused from [[element:water|Water]] and [[element:earth|Earth]] as it embodies the fluid form of [[element:water|Water]] with the solid presence of [[element:earth|Earth]]. ==== Beneficial Effects ==== * Rejuvenation - Boosts all healing received. ==== Detrimental Effects ==== * Poison - Causes damage over time, however the poison effect cannot kill. ==== Arbour Mobs ==== {{topic>arbour&nodate&nouser&simplelist}} ==== Arbour Items ==== {{topic>arbouritem&nodate&nouser&simplelist}} ==== Trivia ==== * Before Arbour, the element made by combining [[element:earth|Earth]] and [[element:water|Water]] was called Ooze, and later, Mud.